Are you ready to have fun, learn some great skills and make a stack of new friends?
The Scouting movement provides fun youth development activities, it builds resilience and confidence in boys, girls, youth and young adults from ages 5 to 25 years of age, from Joey Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturer Scouts and Rover Scouts Sections. We also welcome adult volunteers to become Scout Leaders and parent helpers. Scouts has opportunities for the whole family to be involved! Everyone is welcome, and we value the diversity of our members. Find out more here on our website.
Fun and Friendship
If your son or daughter is looking for something new, fun and challenging, the Scouts movement is the answer! :). We foster togetherness and work tirelessly to provide a great social and skills development experience for your child or children. The Scouting movement is very inclusive. We welcome you to contact us and tee up a visit to see what modern Scouting is all about.
Leadership & Teamwork
The Scouting Movement has been operating in the Bundaberg region for well over 50 years. Generations of youth in this region have benefited greatly from their time in Scouts. Scouts helps build confident, capable, hard-working, thoughtful and respectful young people. Leadership and teamwork are at the heart of the Scouting experience.
Adventure & Outdoors
Through adventure and the outdoors your youth will learn practical skills that they will be able to apply throughout their life. We all know the health benefits of spending time in the great outdoors. We ensure your child or youth gets regular doses 🙂 . There is so much to see, do and experience in this region alone! Good times and new experiences are in abundance! Your child’s field of experience and perceptions will grow dramatically!
Growth & Personal Development
The Mission of Scouting is to contribute to the education and development of kids, youth and young adults, through fun activity, new skill learning, outdoors, teamwork, leadership skills development and a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law. Scouts grow up to become positive and effective members of society. We achieve this by:
» Involving and encouraging children and youth during their formative years in a non-formal education process… that involves the outdoors and team work.
» Using a specific method that makes each individual the principal agent in his or her development as a self-reliant, supportive, committed and community minded person.
» Assisting them to establish a value system based upon spiritual, social and personal principles as expressed in the Promise and Law.
Please note: We value the diversity of ALL our members, including children and youth. This includes but is not limited to gender, sexuality, race, religion and ability.
Child Safe Scouting
The number one priority for Scouts Australia is Child Safe Scouting.
- All Leaders are thoroughly screened, undergo the relevant State checks, and must hold a valid, verified Working with Children check (Blue Card).
- Adult Leaders receive comprehensive, ongoing training across a range of subjects including leadership, WHS, and child protection.
- At least one person trained in first aid attends all major events.
- At least two adults are present at all meetings and events.
- We will liaise with you to ensure we have the information necessary to cater for your child’s individual medical, physical and dietary requirements.
- All Scouts Australia Branches have teams of people responsible for child safety who action any concerns that parents or children may have regarding safety.
Please note: Scouts Australia is a Child Safe organisation with zero-tolerance for any harm, abuse or neglect.
Why not attend a meeting night, observe and/or join in! To chat about your child joining Joey Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts or Venturers, please contact your nearest Scouting Group in the Bundaberg District (see below). Same too if interested in becoming a Rover, Leader or Parent Helper.
Scouting Groups in our District
We have 5 Scouting Groups in the Bundaberg District. If you’re interested in finding out more please contact your nearest Scout Group:
Explore our Sections

Joey Scouts
Age 5-7

Cub Scouts
Age 8-11

Age 11-14

Venturer Scouts
Age 15-17

Rover Scouts
Age 18-25

Adult Volunteers
Age 18+
What Others Say...

Special Thank You to Our Sponsors
A very special thank you to our sponsors. Their assistance helps pay for equipment, resources and ongoing overheads.

If you would like to find out more about sponsoring or donating to our Scouting District, please contact us on (07) 3870 7000.
Contact Us
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? Down The Street, Location
Phone: (07) 9999 9999
Email: email@email.com.au
Make An Enquiry
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